
By submitting an application, the organisation implicitly agrees that it has read and accepted these rules. 

1. Conditions for eligibility (they must all be met)

  • Any organisation that carries out its activity in Luxembourg is eligible and can participate in the Sustainability Awards 2024. The terms “organisation” and “company” are used interchangeably in this file. They are understood to mean any structure providing goods and services, whether it is for profit or not-for profit, and whether it is a private organisation, a public one, or a representative of civil society. 
  • There is no size requirement. Any organisation can apply, whether it is a small, medium, or large-sized company, and irrespective of the number of its employees. The size of the organisation is entirely irrelevant in the appreciation of applications. 
  • Companies do not have to be members of IMS to participate.  
  • The practice must already be implemented by the participating organisation and have yielded initial results.
  • If a practice has been implemented by several organisations, they can apply all together (submit one application for the same practice).


2. Scope of the Sustainability Awards

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a voluntary approach by companies to integrate not only economic responsibility but also environmental and social responsibility. In order to live up to this responsibility, companies interact in close partnership with their stakeholders.

More than just a tool for risk management, CSR is a source of opportunity and a competitive asset when it is managed proactively and integrated into the company’s strategy: namely when it comes to innovation and growth, staff motivation and customer attraction.

Aiming to create a positive impact on society that goes beyond a mere economic impact, companies that are involved in CSR can address some of society’s challenges and respond to them in their sphere of influence.

A changing environmental and social context heralds profound changes in companies’ management models. Organisations that seek to position themselves to meet the challenges of the future must now think through the innovative lens of CSR, which is a powerful engine for company growth and agility.

3. Categories  

1.    People

The People category includes different topics such as youth, human rights, well-being at work, digital well-being, community engagement, volunteering, trainings, the fight against over-indebtedness, new forms of work organisation. 

Inclusion & diversity: it is not recommended to apply for projects directly related to inclusion and diversity. Why not? The Diversity Awards, organised every 2 years, a competition dedicated to these particular themes, will be organised in 2025..  

2.    Planet

The Planet category takes into account issues related to climate change, biodiversity and natural resource loss, waste, plastics and carbon reduction, ecomobility, energy and water management, land use, new technology and product development.  

3.    Prosperity

The Prosperity category focuses on the implementation of your strategy, responsible production and consumption, new economic approaches, social and solidarity economy, transparency and reporting.

4.    Sustainability Team

The Sustainability Team category rewards a team that has implemented an innovative sustainable development project within its organisation and has demonstrated its commitment. The initiative implemented may address the three pillars of sustainable development. The action may target strategy, products, services, communication, work environment, etc.  


4. Criteria for evaluation 

Winners will be selected according to the main criteria below, each of which will be graded by the juries:

  • The impact of the practice: it is not restricted to words and to a declaration of intent but has been translated into concrete actions and has a measurable impact both on the target public and on the smooth running of the organisation.
  • The innovative nature of the action.
  • The exemplary and replicable nature of the initiative: the practice should be an inspiring example that can be adapted to other organisations or other relevant areas. 
  • The level of implementation of the practice: extent and scope according to the size of the company.
  • How the project is governed.
  • Integration as part of a long-term approach: the practice should be enshrined in a continuous improvement process and must not be a one-off, anecdotal event. It should be embedded sustainably in the strategy of the organisation.


5. Evaluation process

The application forms will be processed by IMS Luxembourg and analysed by a pre-jury composed of independent experts following an evaluation grid based on the above criteria and respecting a code of ethics and confidentiality while taking into account the criteria mentioned above. The pre-jury will select three nominated practices per category. The final jury, composed of representatives of multiple stakeholders, will select among the nominees, the winning practices in the four categories.


6. Registration

Applications are free of charge.

All applications should be submitted via the dedicated online registration forms.


7. Multiple registrations

Organisations can submit several forms as long as each of them relates to a separate and distinct project; one form per practice is accepted. Should you want to apply in several categories and for several projects, you must submit as many forms as there are projects.


8. Characteristics of the form

  • All application forms should be sent by the dedicated platform (any other format will be rejected)
  • The total number of characters in the form should not exceed the indications given in different sections. Additional text will not be taken into account in the registration form. 
  • No additional documentation will be accepted besides the determined sections.   


9. Closing date for submissions

Application files including all supporting documents must be sent at midnight on June 14, 2024 at the latest via the dedicated platform.
All applications received within the imparted deadline will be acknowledged by email.


10. Publication of winners

The name of the winning companies will be announced during the awards ceremony to which participants will be invited. Each of the winners will receive a trophy of symbolic value; there are no financial gains nor benefits in kind, and the appointment of winners will have no legal effect. 


11. Publishing best practices

The good practices will be published from a selection of the application forms received and will be disseminated in a form to be defined. 
By applying, the organisation accepts the possible dissemination of its good practice(s) as described in the application. On the other hand, the additional documents provided in the section "Proof of the candidate practice" remain confidential, unless otherwise stated by the organisation.  


Before submitting your application, please check the following elements: 

  1. Make sure that your practice fulfils the requirements to participate in the Awards as described in Rules.
  2. Read the entire Explanation Guide before you start filling in your registration form, in order to identify the requirements for each section and to best present your practice.  
  3. Fill in your registration form.
  4. Get it signed by the project manager and by the director of your organisation.
  5. Submit your application!